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Module Nn_datastore_news

module Nn_datastore_news: sig .. end
Getting news about datastores and their availability

The following functions assume an arbitrary Netplex container as environment (i.e. any process). The feed is first available when the first notification message has arrived.

Due to the nature of a feed, the information about datastore updates is delayed.

exception Unavailable
Raised if the news feed is not yet available (try again later), and the wait option is not set.
val force : unit -> unit
Forces that the new version is fetched
val list : ?wait:bool -> unit -> Nn_datastores.datastore list
Returns the list of all datastores
val get : ?wait:bool -> string -> Nn_datastores.datastore
Get the store record by identity string
val is_alive : ?wait:bool -> string -> bool
is_alive identity: Returns whether the datanode having this store is good as seen by the monitor. Fails if the monitor is not started.
val signal_db_change : int -> Unix.sockaddr option -> unit
signal_db_change id node_opt: Signal to the monitor that the db row with id has changed and must be reread. If node_opt is given, it is tried to discover this datanode, and to attach it to the system
val receive_message : Netplex_types.container -> string -> string array -> unit
Needs to be called from the receive_message hook in order to subscribe to this news channel
val post_add_hook : Netplex_types.socket_service -> Netplex_types.controller -> unit
Needs to be called from the post_add_hook
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