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Module Plasma_rpcapi_aux

module Plasma_rpcapi_aux: sig .. end

type longstring = string 
type longstrings = longstring array 
type longstring_opt = longstring option 
type mediumstring = string 
type mediumstrings = mediumstring array 
type hypers = int64 array 
type trans_id = int64 

type ug = {
   mutable user : mediumstring;
   mutable group : mediumstring;
type time = {
   mutable tsecs : int64;
   mutable tnsecs : int;
type time_opt = time option 
type ftype_enum = Rtypes.int4 
type ftype = [ `ftype_directory | `ftype_regular | `ftype_symlink ] 

type ticket = {
   mutable range_start : int64;
   mutable range_length : int64;
   mutable safetrans_id : int64;
   mutable safetrans_tmo : int64;
   mutable safetrans_vfy : int64;
   mutable read_perm : bool;
   mutable write_perm : bool;
type blockinfo = {
   mutable index : int64;
   mutable node : mediumstring;
   mutable identity : mediumstring;
   mutable block : int64;
   mutable length : int64;
   mutable node_alive : bool;
   mutable checksum : mediumstring option;
   mutable inode_seqno : int64;
   mutable inode_committed : bool;
   mutable ticket : ticket;
type blocklist = blockinfo array 

type inodeinfo = {
   mutable filetype : ftype;
   mutable usergroup : ug;
   mutable mode : int;
   mutable eof : int64;
   mutable mtime : time;
   mutable ctime : time;
   mutable replication : int;
   mutable blocklimit : int64;
   mutable field1 : mediumstring;
   mutable seqno : int64;
   mutable committed : bool;
   mutable create_verifier : int64;
type entry = {
   mutable entry_name : mediumstring;
   mutable entry_inode : int64;
type entries = entry array 

type fsstat = {
   mutable total_blocks : int64;
   mutable used_blocks : int64;
   mutable trans_blocks : int64;
type errno_code = Rtypes.int4 
type rvoid = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok ]
type rinodeinfo = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of inodeinfo ]
type rblocklist = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of blocklist ]
type rfsstat = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of fsstat ]
type rint = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of int ]
type rhyper = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of int64 ]
type rhypers = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of hypers ]
type rlongstring = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of longstring ]
type rlongstrings = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of longstrings ]
type rentries = [ `eaccess
| `ebadpath
| `econflict
| `ecoord
| `eexist
| `efailed
| `efailedcommit
| `efbig
| `efhier
| `einval
| `eio
| `eisdir
| `elongtrans
| `eloop
| `enametoolong
| `enoent
| `enonode
| `enospc
| `enotdir
| `enotempty
| `enotrans
| `eperm
| `erofs
| `estale
| `etbusy
| `ok of entries ]

type ds_info = {
   mutable ds_id : int;
   mutable ds_identity : mediumstring;
   mutable ds_size : int64;
   mutable ds_enabled : bool;
   mutable ds_node : mediumstring option;
   mutable ds_alive : bool;
type ds_info_list = ds_info array 

type param = {
   mutable name : mediumstring;
   mutable value : mediumstring;
type params = param array 
type readdata = Xdr_mstring.mstring 
type writedata = Xdr_mstring.mstring 
type dn_channel_enum = Rtypes.int4 

type dn_channel_shm_obj = {
   mutable shm_path : mediumstring;
   mutable shm_offset : int64;
   mutable shm_length : int;
type dn_channel_rd_req = [ `dnch_rpc | `dnch_shm of dn_channel_shm_obj ] 
type dn_channel_rd_data = [ `dnch_rpc of readdata | `dnch_shm ] 
type dn_channel_wr_data = [ `dnch_rpc of writedata
| `dnch_shm of dn_channel_shm_obj ]
type t_Datanode'V1'null'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'null'res = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'identity'arg = mediumstring 
type t_Datanode'V1'identity'res = mediumstring 
type t_Datanode'V1'size'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'size'res = int64 
type t_Datanode'V1'blocksize'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'blocksize'res = int 
type t_Datanode'V1'clustername'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'clustername'res = mediumstring 
type t_Datanode'V1'read'arg = dn_channel_rd_req * int64 * int * int *
type t_Datanode'V1'read'res = dn_channel_rd_data 
type t_Datanode'V1'write'arg = int64 * dn_channel_wr_data * ticket 
type t_Datanode'V1'write'res = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'copy'arg = int64 * longstring * longstring * 
int64 * ticket * ticket
type t_Datanode'V1'copy'res = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'zero'arg = int64 * ticket 
type t_Datanode'V1'zero'res = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'sync'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'sync'res = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'res = longstring_opt 
type t_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'arg = unit 
type t_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'res = longstring_opt 
type t_Filesystem'V1'null'arg = unit 
type t_Filesystem'V1'null'res = unit 
type t_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'arg = trans_id 
type t_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'arg = trans_id 
type t_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'arg = trans_id 
type t_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'res = rinodeinfo 
type t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'arg = trans_id * inodeinfo 
type t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'res = rhyper 
type t_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'arg = trans_id * int64 * inodeinfo 
type t_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'arg = trans_id * int64 * int64 * int64 * bool 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'res = rblocklist 
type t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'arg = trans_id * int64 * int64 * int64 * bool *
type t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'res = rblocklist 
type t_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'arg = trans_id * int64 * int64 * int64 * bool 
type t_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'arg = unit 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'res = rfsstat 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'arg = unit 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'res = int 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_params'arg = unit 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_params'res = params 
type t_Filesystem'V1'lookup'arg = trans_id * int64 * longstring * bool 
type t_Filesystem'V1'lookup'res = rhyper 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'res = rlongstrings 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'res = rlongstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'link_count'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'link_count'res = rint 
type t_Filesystem'V1'link'arg = trans_id * longstring * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'link'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'link_at'arg = trans_id * int64 * longstring * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'link_at'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'unlink'arg = trans_id * longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'unlink'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'arg = trans_id * int64 * longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'list'arg = trans_id * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'list'res = rentries 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rename'arg = trans_id * longstring *
type t_Filesystem'V1'rename'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'arg = trans_id * int64 * longstring * int64 *
type t_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'namelock'arg = trans_id * int64 * longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'namelock'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'arg = trans_id * int64 * int64 * longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'iterate'arg = trans_id * int64 * int 
type t_Filesystem'V1'iterate'res = rhypers 
type t_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'arg = longstring * longstring *
longstrings * longstring_opt * bool
type t_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'res = bool 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg = longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'res = longstring_opt 
type t_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'arg = longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'res = unit 
type t_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'arg = longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'res = rlongstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'arg = longstring * longstring 
type t_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'res = rvoid 
type t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'arg = int64 * inodeinfo 
type t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'res = bool 
type t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'arg = int64 * int64 
type t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'res = bool 
type t_Coordination'V1'null'arg = unit 
type t_Coordination'V1'null'res = unit 
type t_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'arg = longstring 
type t_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'res = longstring_opt 
type t_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'arg = longstring 
type t_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'res = longstrings 
type t_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'arg = longstring 
type t_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'res = bool 
type t_Coordination'V1'clustername'arg = unit 
type t_Coordination'V1'clustername'res = longstring 
type t_Coordination'V1'local_identities'arg = longstring 
type t_Coordination'V1'local_identities'res = longstrings 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'null'arg = unit 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'null'res = unit 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'arg = longstring * int64 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'res = unit 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'arg = longstring * longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'res = unit 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'arg = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'res = unit 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'arg = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'res = bool 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'arg = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'res = bool 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'arg = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'res = fsstat 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'arg = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'res = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'arg = unit 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'res = longstrings 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'arg = longstring 
type t_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'res = unit 
type t_Auth'V1'null'arg = unit 
type t_Auth'V1'null'res = unit 
type t_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg = unit 
type t_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'res = longstring_opt 
val ftype_regular : Rtypes.int4
val ftype_directory : Rtypes.int4
val ftype_symlink : Rtypes.int4
val ok : Rtypes.int4
val enotrans : Rtypes.int4
val efailedcommit : Rtypes.int4
val elongtrans : Rtypes.int4
val efailed : Rtypes.int4
val eperm : Rtypes.int4
val enoent : Rtypes.int4
val eaccess : Rtypes.int4
val eexist : Rtypes.int4
val efhier : Rtypes.int4
val einval : Rtypes.int4
val efbig : Rtypes.int4
val enospc : Rtypes.int4
val erofs : Rtypes.int4
val enametoolong : Rtypes.int4
val econflict : Rtypes.int4
val ecoord : Rtypes.int4
val enonode : Rtypes.int4
val etbusy : Rtypes.int4
val estale : Rtypes.int4
val eio : Rtypes.int4
val eloop : Rtypes.int4
val enotdir : Rtypes.int4
val eisdir : Rtypes.int4
val enotempty : Rtypes.int4
val ebadpath : Rtypes.int4
val dnch_rpc : Rtypes.int4
val dnch_shm : Rtypes.int4
val _to_longstring : Xdr.xdr_value -> longstring
val _of_longstring : longstring -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_longstrings : Xdr.xdr_value -> longstrings
val _of_longstrings : longstrings -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_longstring_opt : Xdr.xdr_value -> longstring_opt
val _of_longstring_opt : longstring_opt -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_mediumstring : Xdr.xdr_value -> mediumstring
val _of_mediumstring : mediumstring -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_mediumstrings : Xdr.xdr_value -> mediumstrings
val _of_mediumstrings : mediumstrings -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_hypers : Xdr.xdr_value -> hypers
val _of_hypers : hypers -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_trans_id : Xdr.xdr_value -> trans_id
val _of_trans_id : trans_id -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_ug : Xdr.xdr_value -> ug
val _of_ug : ug -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_time : Xdr.xdr_value -> time
val _of_time : time -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_time_opt : Xdr.xdr_value -> time_opt
val _of_time_opt : time_opt -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_ftype_enum : Xdr.xdr_value -> ftype_enum
val _of_ftype_enum : ftype_enum -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_ftype : Xdr.xdr_value -> ftype
val _of_ftype : ftype -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_ticket : Xdr.xdr_value -> ticket
val _of_ticket : ticket -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_blockinfo : Xdr.xdr_value -> blockinfo
val _of_blockinfo : blockinfo -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_blocklist : Xdr.xdr_value -> blocklist
val _of_blocklist : blocklist -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_inodeinfo : Xdr.xdr_value -> inodeinfo
val _of_inodeinfo : inodeinfo -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_entry : Xdr.xdr_value -> entry
val _of_entry : entry -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_entries : Xdr.xdr_value -> entries
val _of_entries : entries -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_fsstat : Xdr.xdr_value -> fsstat
val _of_fsstat : fsstat -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_errno_code : Xdr.xdr_value -> errno_code
val _of_errno_code : errno_code -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rvoid : Xdr.xdr_value -> rvoid
val _of_rvoid : rvoid -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rinodeinfo : Xdr.xdr_value -> rinodeinfo
val _of_rinodeinfo : rinodeinfo -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rblocklist : Xdr.xdr_value -> rblocklist
val _of_rblocklist : rblocklist -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rfsstat : Xdr.xdr_value -> rfsstat
val _of_rfsstat : rfsstat -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rint : Xdr.xdr_value -> rint
val _of_rint : rint -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rhyper : Xdr.xdr_value -> rhyper
val _of_rhyper : rhyper -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rhypers : Xdr.xdr_value -> rhypers
val _of_rhypers : rhypers -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rlongstring : Xdr.xdr_value -> rlongstring
val _of_rlongstring : rlongstring -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rlongstrings : Xdr.xdr_value -> rlongstrings
val _of_rlongstrings : rlongstrings -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_rentries : Xdr.xdr_value -> rentries
val _of_rentries : rentries -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_ds_info : Xdr.xdr_value -> ds_info
val _of_ds_info : ds_info -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_ds_info_list : Xdr.xdr_value -> ds_info_list
val _of_ds_info_list : ds_info_list -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_param : Xdr.xdr_value -> param
val _of_param : param -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_params : Xdr.xdr_value -> params
val _of_params : params -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_readdata : Xdr.xdr_value -> readdata
val _of_readdata : readdata -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_writedata : Xdr.xdr_value -> writedata
val _of_writedata : writedata -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_dn_channel_enum : Xdr.xdr_value -> dn_channel_enum
val _of_dn_channel_enum : dn_channel_enum -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_dn_channel_shm_obj : Xdr.xdr_value -> dn_channel_shm_obj
val _of_dn_channel_shm_obj : dn_channel_shm_obj -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_dn_channel_rd_req : Xdr.xdr_value -> dn_channel_rd_req
val _of_dn_channel_rd_req : dn_channel_rd_req -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_dn_channel_rd_data : Xdr.xdr_value -> dn_channel_rd_data
val _of_dn_channel_rd_data : dn_channel_rd_data -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_dn_channel_wr_data : Xdr.xdr_value -> dn_channel_wr_data
val _of_dn_channel_wr_data : dn_channel_wr_data -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'null'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'null'arg : t_Datanode'V1'null'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'null'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'null'res : t_Datanode'V1'null'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'identity'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'identity'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'identity'arg : t_Datanode'V1'identity'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'identity'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'identity'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'identity'res : t_Datanode'V1'identity'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'size'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'size'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'size'arg : t_Datanode'V1'size'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'size'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'size'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'size'res : t_Datanode'V1'size'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'blocksize'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'blocksize'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'blocksize'arg : t_Datanode'V1'blocksize'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'blocksize'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'blocksize'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'blocksize'res : t_Datanode'V1'blocksize'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'clustername'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'clustername'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'clustername'arg : t_Datanode'V1'clustername'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'clustername'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'clustername'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'clustername'res : t_Datanode'V1'clustername'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'read'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'read'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'read'arg : t_Datanode'V1'read'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'read'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'read'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'read'res : t_Datanode'V1'read'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'write'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'write'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'write'arg : t_Datanode'V1'write'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'write'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'write'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'write'res : t_Datanode'V1'write'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'copy'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'copy'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'copy'arg : t_Datanode'V1'copy'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'copy'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'copy'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'copy'res : t_Datanode'V1'copy'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'zero'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'zero'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'zero'arg : t_Datanode'V1'zero'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'zero'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'zero'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'zero'res : t_Datanode'V1'zero'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'sync'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'sync'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'sync'arg : t_Datanode'V1'sync'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'sync'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'sync'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'sync'res : t_Datanode'V1'sync'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'arg : t_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'res : t_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'arg
val _of_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'arg : t_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'res
val _of_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'res : t_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'null'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'null'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'null'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'null'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'null'res : t_Filesystem'V1'null'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'res : t_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'res : t_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'res : t_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'res : t_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'res : t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'res : t_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'res : t_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'res : t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'res : t_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'res : t_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'res : t_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'res : t_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'res : t_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_params'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_params'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_params'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'get_params'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_params'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_params'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_params'res : t_Filesystem'V1'get_params'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'lookup'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'lookup'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'lookup'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'lookup'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'lookup'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'lookup'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'lookup'res : t_Filesystem'V1'lookup'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'res : t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'res : t_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'link_count'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'link_count'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'link_count'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'link_count'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'link_count'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'link_count'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'link_count'res : t_Filesystem'V1'link_count'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'link'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'link'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'link'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'link'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'link'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'link'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'link'res : t_Filesystem'V1'link'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'link_at'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'link_at'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'link_at'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'link_at'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'link_at'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'link_at'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'link_at'res : t_Filesystem'V1'link_at'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'unlink'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'unlink'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'unlink'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'unlink'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'unlink'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'unlink'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'unlink'res : t_Filesystem'V1'unlink'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'res : t_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'list'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'list'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'list'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'list'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'list'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'list'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'list'res : t_Filesystem'V1'list'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rename'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rename'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rename'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'rename'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rename'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rename'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rename'res : t_Filesystem'V1'rename'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'res : t_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'namelock'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'namelock'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'namelock'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'namelock'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'namelock'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'namelock'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'namelock'res : t_Filesystem'V1'namelock'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'res : t_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'iterate'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'iterate'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'iterate'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'iterate'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'iterate'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'iterate'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'iterate'res : t_Filesystem'V1'iterate'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'res : t_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'res : t_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'res : t_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'res : t_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'res : t_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'res : t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'arg
val _of_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'arg : t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'res
val _of_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'res : t_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'null'arg
val _of_Coordination'V1'null'arg : t_Coordination'V1'null'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'null'res
val _of_Coordination'V1'null'res : t_Coordination'V1'null'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'arg
val _of_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'arg : t_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'res
val _of_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'res : t_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'arg
val _of_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'arg : t_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'res
val _of_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'res : t_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'arg
val _of_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'arg : t_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'res
val _of_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'res : t_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'clustername'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'clustername'arg
val _of_Coordination'V1'clustername'arg : t_Coordination'V1'clustername'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'clustername'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'clustername'res
val _of_Coordination'V1'clustername'res : t_Coordination'V1'clustername'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'local_identities'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'local_identities'arg
val _of_Coordination'V1'local_identities'arg : t_Coordination'V1'local_identities'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Coordination'V1'local_identities'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Coordination'V1'local_identities'res
val _of_Coordination'V1'local_identities'res : t_Coordination'V1'local_identities'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'null'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'null'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'null'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'null'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'null'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'null'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'arg
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'arg : t_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'res
val _of_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'res : t_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Auth'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Auth'V1'null'arg
val _of_Auth'V1'null'arg : t_Auth'V1'null'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Auth'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Auth'V1'null'res
val _of_Auth'V1'null'res : t_Auth'V1'null'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg
val _of_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg : t_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg -> Xdr.xdr_value
val _to_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'res : Xdr.xdr_value -> t_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'res
val _of_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'res : t_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'res -> Xdr.xdr_value
val xdrt_longstring : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_longstrings : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_longstring_opt : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_mediumstring : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_mediumstrings : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_hypers : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_trans_id : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_ug : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_time : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_time_opt : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_ftype_enum : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_ftype : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_ticket : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_blockinfo : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_blocklist : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_inodeinfo : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_entry : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_entries : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_fsstat : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_errno_code : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rvoid : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rinodeinfo : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rblocklist : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rfsstat : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rint : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rhyper : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rhypers : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rlongstring : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rlongstrings : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_rentries : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_ds_info : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_ds_info_list : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_param : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_params : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_readdata : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_writedata : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_dn_channel_enum : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_dn_channel_shm_obj : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_dn_channel_rd_req : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_dn_channel_rd_data : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_dn_channel_wr_data : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'identity'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'identity'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'size'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'size'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'blocksize'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'blocksize'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'clustername'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'clustername'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'read'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'read'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'write'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'write'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'copy'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'copy'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'zero'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'zero'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'sync'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'sync'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'alloc_shm_if_local'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Datanode'V1'udsocket_if_local'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'begin_transaction'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'commit_transaction'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'abort_transaction'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_inodeinfo'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'allocate_inode'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'update_inodeinfo'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'delete_inode'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_blocks'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'allocate_blocks'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'free_blocks'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_fsstat'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rereplicate'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_blocksize'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_params'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_params'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'lookup'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'lookup'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rev_lookup_dir'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'link_count'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'link_count'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'link'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'link'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'link_at'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'link_at'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'unlink'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'unlink'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'unlink_at'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'list'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'list'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rename'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rename'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'rename_at'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'namelock'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'namelock'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'set_block_checksum'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'iterate'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'iterate'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'impersonate'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'get_auth_ticket'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'renew_auth_ticket'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'read_admin_table'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'write_admin_table'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Filesystem'V1'is_up_to_date_seqno'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'find_coordinator'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'find_namenodes'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'is_coordinator'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'clustername'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'clustername'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'local_identities'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Coordination'V1'local_identities'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'add_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'enable_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'disable_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'is_enabled'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'is_alive'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'fsstat'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'lookup'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'datanodes'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Dn_admin'V1'destroy_datanode'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Auth'V1'null'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Auth'V1'null'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'arg : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val xdrt_Auth'V1'get_auth_ticket'res : Xdr.xdr_type_term
val program_Datanode'V1 : Rpc_program.t
val program_Filesystem'V1 : Rpc_program.t
val program_Coordination'V1 : Rpc_program.t
val program_Dn_admin'V1 : Rpc_program.t
val program_Auth'V1 : Rpc_program.t
This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
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